LTCNW Resources
Everything your students need for success
2025 Schedule
April 15th-27th
Our convention is in April, but get your weekend planning started now. This is the most recent schedule and is subject to change.
Registration Portal
For Church Coordinators
Registration will open on December 1st, 2024.
What's LTCNW?
Training the Church
Leadership Training for Christ Northwest (LTCNW) is an annual convention for 3rd-12th graders held in April in Richland, Washington. We designed LTCNW to challenge and train young people to build up their talents and skills to serve the church for the rest of their lives.
Called Out
Life of Moses
Leaving their homes and everything they have ever known, the Israelites depart the verdant Nile River Delta and head into the Wilderness to worship their God.
Join us in April 2024 to look at the Life of Moses and God's miraculous creation act which brings forth Israel. Study the Torah with us and learn that we can grow like trees planted by streams of water, even when we find ourselves in the desert.
Convention Location:
Richland Church of Christ
933 Thayer Dr
Richland, WA 99352